锘?(function(){ $('#feedback').validate({ errorElement: 'span', errorClass: 'false', validClass: 'right', onfocusout: function(element){ $(element).valid(); }, errorPlacement: function(error,element){ element.parent().next().append(error); }, highlight: function(element, errorClass, validClass) { $(element).removeClass('right').addClass('false'); $(element).parent().next().removeClass('right').addClass('false').find('i').html(''); }, success: function(span){ span.parent().removeClass('false').addClass('right'); //span.prev('.iconfont').html(''); }, rules: { username: { required: true }, email: { required: true, email: true }, phone: { minlength: 5, maxlength: 11, digits: true }, title: { required: true }, message: { required: true, minlength: 6 } }, messages: { username: { required: 'Please fill in your name' }, email: { required: 'Please fill in E-mail', email : 'Please enter the email in the correct format' }, phone: { minlength: 'Phone number is 5-11 digits long', maxlength: 'Phone number is 5-11 digits long', digits: 'Phone number can only be numbers' }, title: { required: 'Please fill in the title' }, message: { required: 'Please fill in the description of the problem', minlength: 'Problem description must be at least 6 characters' } }, /* 閲嶅啓閿欒鏄剧ず娑堟伅鏂规硶,浠lert鏂瑰紡寮瑰嚭閿欒娑堟伅 */ showErrors : function(errorMap, errorList) { var msg = ""; $.each(errorList, function(i, v) { msg += (v.message + "
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"); }); if (msg != "") appUtil.wintitle(msg); }, /* 澶卞幓鐒︾偣鏃朵笉楠岃瘉 */ onfocusout : false, onkeyup:false, submitHandler: function (form) { $(form).ajaxSubmit({ type:"post", url:"/api/feedback?"+ (new Date()).getTime(), success: function (result, statusText, xhr, ele) { if (result.isSuccess) { appUtil.wintitle($("#feedbacktitle").val()+" Has been sent successfully!"); var textinfo = $("#feedback2 input[type='text'],textarea"); textinfo.each(function(){ $(this).val(""); }); window.location.href="https://lp.hskcoltd.com/thanks/"; } else { appUtil.wintitle("You submit too often! Have a rest!"); } } }); } }); }) /*楠岃瘉demo琛ㄥ崟end*/ /*** app.js ***/ var appUtil = { wintitle: function (a) { var c, d, b = this; this.msg_back || (c = '', d = '', this.msg_back = $(c), this.msg_body = $(d), this.msg_back.appendTo(document.body), this.msg_body.appendTo(document.body)), this.msg_body.html(a), b.msg_back.show(), b.msg_body.show(), //$.browser.safari && $.browser.version <= 532.9 && window.scrollTo(0, 0), msgTimeout = setTimeout(function () { b.msg_back.hide(), b.msg_body.hide() }, 3e3) }, hidealert: function () { this.msg_back.hide(), this.msg_body.hide(), msgTimeout && window.clearTimeout(msgTimeout) } }; !(window.jQuery);